My reflection on today's Scripture readings in the March issue of Give Us This Day:
At some point or another, most of us have been blamed for something we ...
My brief reflection from Give Us This Day earlier this week:
Whenever we take our children to Manhattan, we are confronted by the reality of "these least ...
I know things have been relatively quiet here for the past week or so. That's because I'm renegotiating my work/life schedule these days, and it's taking some ...
My reflection from Give Us This Day today:
I’ve always had a tiny bit of a soft spot for Judas Iscariot. I know. It sounds crazy at best, traitorous at worst, ...
Okay, I'll admit that when I first saw this clip, I was drawn in by the Hafiz poem, one of my favorites. Because when I grow up, I want to be the sage who has ...