I haven't kept a gratitude journal with any long-term success over the years, despite knowing the benefits. In my latest Life Lines column (now running in the ...
It's been almost three weeks since I returned from Italy, and I still haven't managed to write any posts about the experience or trade my Euro for U.S. ...
In honor of Sister Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, who died last week, I thought I would run this Life Lines column from last July. It was sparked by the marriage ...
My latest Life Lines column, running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
I’m a wannabe hiker. And a wannabe camper and kayaker, for that matter. Although ...
My May Life Lines column, running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
Back when I was young, my mother would take me over to the chapel at St. Aedan’s ...
My March "Life Lines" column running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
I decided to clean out some dresser drawers last weekend, and mixed in with ...
My September Life Lines column, running in the current issue of Catholic New York:
Someone saw a photo of me with my son, Noah, on Facebook recently and told ...
Yesterday a friend asked people if we could remember where we were at that horrible moment 12 years ago today. I was putting laundry away in the top drawer of ...
My June Life Lines column. It must have struck a chord because I am receiving tons of private emails from total strangers who all have experienced this in one ...
My May Life Lines column, currently running in the latest issue of Catholic New York, just in time for Pentecost:
I reluctantly went for a walk today, not ...
My current Life Lines column from Catholic New York:
What is it about the darkness that makes normal things seem a little scarier and scary things seem ...
A reader asked me to repost this column from close to 10 years ago. After some searching of paper and digital files, I realized it has never been posted on this ...
My most recent Life Lines column, running in Catholic New York and The Catholic Spirit this month:
I don’t know about you, but I tend to approach my prayer ...
Just realized I never posted my September Life Lines column. Here you go...
We were sitting at the dinner table the other night, passing bowls of pasta and ...
My oldest godchild is about to embark on a life-changing journey, moving away from the town he has known his whole life to a new place with none of the safety ...
My July Life Lines column, now running in Catholic New York:
I’m not really a fan of the popular GPS navigation systems designed to get you from Point A to ...
I’m used to being the oldest mom in a crowd, at least when it comes to spending time with my youngest, Chiara, who is only 6 years old. Having had her just ...
My latest Life Lines column in the current issue of Catholic New York:
It amazes me sometimes how a casual comment, a familiar smell or the sound of a name we ...
My most recent Life Lines column:A couple of recent events have forced me to focus on the idea of "detachment," letting go of those things that threaten to ...
My latest Life Lines column:Even before Chiara was born almost five years ago, I promised myself I would spend less time working and more time playing with the ...