
Life Lines

Beauty Even in the Fading

Beauty Even in the Fading

It's funny how we have certain expectations of life, from the biggest events to the smallest details, and we are quick to label the results: good, bad, lucky, ...
Finding your soul home

Finding your soul home

As I paddled a kayak across the crystal-clear water of an Adirondack lake on a gorgeous Friday afternoon recently, I turned to my paddling partner and said, “If ...
A trade-off worth making

A trade-off worth making

When I left my office job four months ago to return to my home-based writing and retreat business, I was mainly focused on doing the work I love most on a ...
Transformation by storm

Transformation by storm

We are nearing the end of our 40-day pilgrimage through Lent, but the truth is that we are on a pilgrimage that never ends. Our entire spiritual life is ...
The journey is the goal

The journey is the goal

Last week I was working out in a corner of our backyard where I decided to create a meditation garden. The area, which had once been home to a swing set, had ...
The rules we live by

The rules we live by

As we round the corner on pandemic and see a faint light at the end of our long Covid tunnel, I’ve found myself stuck—physically, due to some minor injuries and ...
You Can’t Fail Lent

You Can’t Fail Lent

The column originally ran on Huffington Post in 2015, but it's a favorite so here it is one more time, just in time: Lent is one of those seasons that ...

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