My post from OSV Daily Take today:My spiritual reading this morning was taken from none other than U2 frontman Bono. I wanted to pull one great quote for you to ...
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Looks like Our Lady of Guadalupe will not disappear under the snow, as previously expected, due to a winter storm that turned out to be more of a dud than a ...
Okay, things are not looking good for Our Lady of Guadalupe as she stands vigil over our backyard as the snow encroaches. (That's her out there right at the ...
I just finished shoveling out our driveway. It started as an effort simply to get through the icy snow bank left by the plow at the end of the driveway so I ...
I don't know what Our Lady of Guadalupe did to deserve such treatment. Normally she winters inside with St. Francis of Assisi. But this year, while St. Francis ...
I couldn't sleep this morning, so I figured, rather than toss and turn, I'd go downstairs and pray. Don't for one minute think I'm good and holy, because I ...
Here's my latest Life Lines column from the new issue of Catholic New York. (Disclaimer: I have since rejoined the YMCA. Still no resolutions though...P.S. Noah ...
Today, over at, I tackle the subject of yoga -- something I love -- and how it benefits my Catholic prayer life -- something some people find ...
When I walked into Sunday Mass yesterday, I was taken aback by the beauty of the icicles hanging from the eaves all along the main church. I vowed to go back ...
A few things have happened in these first few days of 2011 that make me believe that either a.) This is going to be a very good year, or b.) I am looking at ...
From my OSV Daily Take post today:So I went ahead and gave the old Patron Saint Generator a spin over at Conversion Diary for a little New Year's fun with a ...
"In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God,and the Word was God.He was in the beginning with God.All things came to be through him,and without him ...
We have been plunged this week into the deepest, darkest days of winter. Light is in short supply as we journey through the final days of Advent in anticipation ...
I have no words of wisdom, no inspiration to offer to you today. I'm still bumping into things in the spiritual darkness that has been my home for a week or so. ...
Before I get started on local gift ideas, let me just say that I have not set foot in a mall this Christmas season, which is always my goal. I don't like malls ...
I have heard from so many friends telling me that my previous post about my difficult third week of Advent rang true for them. Apparently a lot of us are ...
I began this week basking in the glow of Gaudete Sunday. The thrill I get when it's time to light the pink, ahem, ROSE candle in the Advent wreath is a little ...
Ever since I first came in contact with the writings of Thomas Merton some 25 years ago, he has spoken to me. I know I'm not alone there. Countless people of ...
I am not a patient person. Not by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I consider myself to be one of the most impatient people I know. If I start an ...
Sometimes the blog world and the world of Facebook just amaze me. That's how I "met" Dan Brennan, author of "Sacred Unions, Sacred Passions: Engaging the ...