The shoes were placed by the front door with care last night. Okay, to be honest, the almost-17-year-old just left them there out of habit, but the two girls ...
A lot of my friends and family members are already wrapping Christmas gifts, which I find truly astounding because I haven't even started shopping. Haven't ...
If any of you were around these parts last year, you may remember that we started our Advent season not with a prayer but with a coin toss. Because that's how ...
Advent is less than one week away. How will you make it special? Here's a little something to get you in the spirit, my Advent In Focus story, which is running ...
How are you waiting today? Are you rushing from store to store trying to finish up your shopping? Are you preparing food for a big family dinner? Are you ...
Chances are that right about now the Christmas season is getting the best of you. At least that's how it's going at my house. Just last night I suggested to my ...
Every year at this time, I take out the Playmobil Nativity set, which has always been a big hit in our house since we bought it for Noah years ago. I think it ...
My most recent Life Lines column, running in Catholic New York and The Catholic Spirit this month:
I don’t know about you, but I tend to approach my prayer ...
You may recall that last week's kick-off to the Advent festivities at our house deteriorated into fighting, screaming, a coin toss, and, eventually, a ...
I wish I could begin this post with some inspiring story about how we returned from Saturday evening Mass and a lovely dinner out last night to gather around ...
Every year when Advent rolls around, we set our Advent wreath at the center of the kitchen table, and before dinner each night, we pray. But I have to admit ...
The begging has begun. PLLEEAASSEEEE...Can't we play Christmas Elf...get out the decorations? And my answer to every question is a frustrating ...
I was out of the Advent starting gate like a shot this year, with my book of daily Advent reflections tucked under my arm and the words of the prophets ringing ...
I can't think of a better way to start the second week of Advent than with the first real snow of the season. A perfect, light snow that coated everything with ...
Needing a little encouragement as you journey through these early days of Advent? Here's just what the doctor ordered. A beautiful post from The Advent Door. ...
Every year at this time, I take out the Playmobil Nativity set, which has always been a big hit in our house since we bought it for Noah years ago. I think it ...
As I sat down to write this Advent post, I realized that I am way behind where I normally am at the start of the new Church year. We have not yet made our pink ...
From my OSV Daily Take post today:
Advent is right around the corner. As a busy mom and a faith formation teacher, I'm always looking for new ideas for ...
When we first moved into our house eight years ago, we couldn’t help but wonder about the little cottage behind us. Somewhat neglected and almost hidden behind ...
So last Thursday the kids were sent home from school at noon because of an ice storm. Up until 30 minutes ago, they were STILL here. That's almost a week off -- ...