Yogis in the mist
Today was a classic case of turning lemons into lemonade. What had at first seemed like a potential inconvenience became a blessing. (more…)
Today was a classic case of turning lemons into lemonade. What had at first seemed like a potential inconvenience became a blessing. (more…)
On this Feast of the Holy Trinity, I thought I’d share this excerpt on the ways the Father-Son-Spirit model for us what spiritual friendship and right relationship are all about. This is from Walking Together: Discovering the Catholic Tradition of Spiritual Friendship. (more…)
Pope Francis’ homily today was so good, I had to post about it immediately. Every time I read something this pope says, it’s proof to me the Spirit is alive and well for sure because this Church needed this pope at this moment. And here he is. When I read this homily, I joked that Pope Francis must have visited one of my former parishes because the scenes he describes are right out of Catholic central casting. Unfortunately. Like this story: (more…)
This is a yummy salad that’s easy to make and really tasty. The last time I made it, we had it alongside some Trader Joe’s dumplings and spring rolls. It was a quick dinner that felt gourmet, sort of a semi-homemade kind of thing. Four out of five people at our house loved it, which is pretty good for us. It’s perfect as a side dish for supper or as a main course for lunch. (more…)
Although nothing beats pesto season in our house, primavera season is definitely a close second. And it’s so easy. You don’t really even need a recipe. This is where you get to fling things in a pan and create something amazing. Really. It’s that simple. So look in your fridge, and start building a delicious pasta dinner that’s healthy and sure to please just about everyone. This is your blank cooking canvas, start filling it with color. (more…)