Come along for the ride

April 15, 2008 | Original NSS

Keep up with Pope Benedict — and with me — all week by clicking HERE to go to Our Sunday Visitor’s blog, Papal Visit 2008 News and Views. I am part of a three-person blog team that will be bringing you all sorts of interesting and fun information about the papal visit. We’re hard at work already, so head over there now and see what’s going on.

I will be in Manhattan Friday thru Sunday, covering the youth rally at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers on Saturday and blogging from the papal visit media center at the Sheraton the rest of the time. I’ve got contacts at just about every event and will be interviewing them and posting their reactions and responses to what’s going on. In addition, you’ll find papal texts, news stories, polls and more.

My blog will be linking to the OSV blog for the three days I’m gone, but then I’ll be back at work doing my Not Strictly Spiritual thing as soon as I’m home.

One more thing: My OSV blogging was mentioned — by name — in USA Today HERE, and I was quoted in a Journal News article on the pope today, which you can see by clicking HERE. Way cool, and very humbling since I really have nothing to do with making any of this happen. It’s all a gift.


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